Ros Auld and Claire Primrose
Presence: Two Visions of Landscape
1 apr. — 20 may 2017

1 apr. — 20 may 2017
Ros Auld and Claire Primrose
Presence: Two Visions of Landscape
Ros Auld and Claire Primrose
Presence: Two Visions of Landscape
1 apr. — 20 may 2017
Ros Auld (ceramics) and Claire Primrose (painting) are both concerned with expressing an authentic connection with their natural world. Auld's works aims to express both the strength and fragility of nature using materials from the earth, with an interplay between monumental forms and delicate surfaces. Primrose's work is inspired and informed by many different locations within the Australian landscape with an interest in recreating the surfaces, textures and colours evocative of a particular place.
This exhibition of individual and collaborative works brings together two artists who share a similar sense of expressive gestural qualities in their work.
Artist toured exhibition curated by Peter Haynes
Ros Auld and Claire Primrose
Presence: Two Visions of Landscape
1 apr. — 20 may 2017
Ros Auld (ceramics) and Claire Primrose (painting) are both concerned with expressing an authentic connection with their natural world. Auld's works aims to express both the strength and fragility of nature using materials from the earth, with an interplay between monumental forms and delicate surfaces. Primrose's work is inspired and informed by many different locations within the Australian landscape with an interest in recreating the surfaces, textures and colours evocative of a particular place.
This exhibition of individual and collaborative works brings together two artists who share a similar sense of expressive gestural qualities in their work.
Artist toured exhibition curated by Peter Haynes