Janet Dawson with Merrick Fry
Their Everyday
6 feb. — 7 mar. 2015

6 feb. — 7 mar. 2015
Janet Dawson with Merrick Fry
Image: Janet Dawson, Hare on blue, 2009, pastel, 50 x 70cm. Goulbun Regional Art Gallery Colleciton. Donated by Artist. Janet Dawson is represented by Stella Downer Fine Art
Their Everyday
Image: Janet Dawson, Hare on blue, 2009, pastel, 50 x 70cm. Goulbun Regional Art Gallery Colleciton. Donated by Artist. Janet Dawson is represented by Stella Downer Fine Art
Janet Dawson with Merrick Fry
Their Everyday
6 feb. — 7 mar. 2015
On one level, the works of Janet Dawson and Merrick Fry couldn't be more different; one friend lives in the country, the other in the city but on another, they are both dealing with the found materials of their Everyday and finding renewed beauty in what others might dismiss. Dawson's exquisitely draws out the beauty of a dead hare, a beetroot or a scattering of apples. Fry's domestic-scale sculptures are constructed from the disowned or vintage glass and plastic ware discarded by our consumer-driven society.
Image: Janet Dawson, Hare on blue, 2009, pastel, 50 x 70cm. Goulbun Regional Art Gallery Colleciton. Donated by Artist. Janet Dawson is represented by Stella Downer Fine Art
Janet Dawson with Merrick Fry
Their Everyday
6 feb. — 7 mar. 2015
On one level, the works of Janet Dawson and Merrick Fry couldn't be more different; one friend lives in the country, the other in the city but on another, they are both dealing with the found materials of their Everyday and finding renewed beauty in what others might dismiss. Dawson's exquisitely draws out the beauty of a dead hare, a beetroot or a scattering of apples. Fry's domestic-scale sculptures are constructed from the disowned or vintage glass and plastic ware discarded by our consumer-driven society.