Janet Dawson with Merrick Fry and Crafting Sound
Opening Night
Saturday 7 February 2015
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Join us for the opening of two exhibitions.
On one level, the works of Janet Dawson and Merrick Fry couldn't be more different; one friend lives in the country, the other in the city but on another, they are both dealing with the found materials of their everyday and finding renewed beauty in what others might dismiss.
Crafting Sound showcases one of the oldest traditions of instrument making is that of the Luthier. The violin in particular, today exists in the same body shape as it did in the C16th. This intimate studio-style exhibition looks into the workings of the Luthier's studio - from tools and templates to the final product which in its form and function, straddles two strands of the arts: music and visual arts.
Exhibitions continue until 4pm Saturday 7 March.