Gallery 2: Works from our local Arts Access program
17 apr. — 2 may 2020
Gallery 2: Works from our local Arts Access program
17 apr. — 2 may 2020

Gallery 2: Works from our local Arts Access program
17 apr. — 2 may 2020
It’s not a new idea that art is good for you. As we celebrate the 2020 edition of the Goulburn Art Award, Gallery 2 pays homage to a project that enriches our local community all year round, and the dedicated artists who keep minds clear and hands moving.
Funded by IMB Community Foundation until June 2019, and ongoing by the Gallery, artists were employed to work with three local facilities in Goulburn; Warrigal Care, the Crescent School, and the Psychogeriatric Unit at Kenmore Hospital. These artists provide practical workshops on site to people with limited physical access to the Gallery and its programs. For people struggling to access forms of creative expression, Arts Access is an invaluable experiential program, reflective of the exhibition program at the Gallery. Arts Access is supportive of participants’ needs, skill levels in different mediums, art forms and concepts in a social and collaborative environment. The works exhibited in Gallery 2 were created through this program an we thank Lynne Flemons, Penny Saxton and Pauline Mullen for being involved.


Gallery 2: Works from our local Arts Access program
17 apr. — 2 may 2020
It’s not a new idea that art is good for you. As we celebrate the 2020 edition of the Goulburn Art Award, Gallery 2 pays homage to a project that enriches our local community all year round, and the dedicated artists who keep minds clear and hands moving.
Funded by IMB Community Foundation until June 2019, and ongoing by the Gallery, artists were employed to work with three local facilities in Goulburn; Warrigal Care, the Crescent School, and the Psychogeriatric Unit at Kenmore Hospital. These artists provide practical workshops on site to people with limited physical access to the Gallery and its programs. For people struggling to access forms of creative expression, Arts Access is an invaluable experiential program, reflective of the exhibition program at the Gallery. Arts Access is supportive of participants’ needs, skill levels in different mediums, art forms and concepts in a social and collaborative environment. The works exhibited in Gallery 2 were created through this program an we thank Lynne Flemons, Penny Saxton and Pauline Mullen for being involved.