Snapshot: Robyn Kinsela and Kim Shannon
Vietnam Veterans' Visible Silence
13 jan. — 11 feb. 2017

13 jan. — 11 feb. 2017
Snapshot: Robyn Kinsela and Kim Shannon
Vietnam Veterans' Visible Silence
Snapshot: Robyn Kinsela and Kim Shannon
Vietnam Veterans' Visible Silence
13 jan. — 11 feb. 2017
These paintings respect the existence and feelings of so many guys who fought in Vietnam over the decade (1962-1972), often not by choice (i.e. conscripted), and who returned to Australia to the chilling reception of abuse and accusation which many carry to this day. It was not until 1987 with the "Welcome Home Parade", that many Vietnam Veterans shook off the "shame" and "came out" about their past in the Vietnam War.
Many of us at home were conscientious objectors and marched in moratoriums against this war. This exhibition is not about that - it is about them. After 50 years, we are finally able to reflect on and share without recrimination, some of our earlier attitudes and activities.
Their stories, their experiences and their memories have been fascinating and I feel privileged to have been privy to them.
Snapshot: Robyn Kinsela and Kim Shannon
Vietnam Veterans' Visible Silence
13 jan. — 11 feb. 2017
These paintings respect the existence and feelings of so many guys who fought in Vietnam over the decade (1962-1972), often not by choice (i.e. conscripted), and who returned to Australia to the chilling reception of abuse and accusation which many carry to this day. It was not until 1987 with the "Welcome Home Parade", that many Vietnam Veterans shook off the "shame" and "came out" about their past in the Vietnam War.
Many of us at home were conscientious objectors and marched in moratoriums against this war. This exhibition is not about that - it is about them. After 50 years, we are finally able to reflect on and share without recrimination, some of our earlier attitudes and activities.
Their stories, their experiences and their memories have been fascinating and I feel privileged to have been privy to them.