Operation Art
26 may — 2 jul. 2016

26 may — 2 jul. 2016
Operation Art
Image: Thomas Bunston, aged 7, New Growth, Michelago Public School
Image: Thomas Bunston, aged 7, New Growth, Michelago Public School
Operation Art
26 may — 2 jul. 2016
Operation Art is the premier statewide visual arts exhibition for students from Kindergarten to Year 10. It is a unique contemporary children's exhibition which encourages students to create artworks for children in hospital. Operation Art focuses on creating a positive environment to aid the healing and recovery process of young patients.

Image: Thomas Bunston, aged 7, New Growth, Michelago Public School
Operation Art
26 may — 2 jul. 2016
Operation Art is the premier statewide visual arts exhibition for students from Kindergarten to Year 10. It is a unique contemporary children's exhibition which encourages students to create artworks for children in hospital. Operation Art focuses on creating a positive environment to aid the healing and recovery process of young patients.