Image: Narelle Hillsdon, Possibility, Oil on Belgian linen, 35.5 x 30cm

Snapshot: Narelle Hillsdon

15 sep. — 14 oct. 2017

Hillsdon has called this series of paintings Endymion, being broadly inspired by the Creek myth and the John Keats poem of the same name. Endymion, the first human to ever fall in love, fell for the moon who in time, fell for him. The story is one of distance yet complete intimacy.

Being a lover of Keat's poetry and a dedicated moon watcher herself, she took this theme as a driving force for exploring in paint the physical sense of light and darkness and our human connections to these contrasting worlds. It gave Hillsdon the opportunity to engage in a more intimate dialogue with the work.

Image: Narelle Hillsdon, Possibility, Oil on Belgian linen, 35.5 x 30cm

Snapshot: Narelle Hillsdon

15 sep. — 14 oct. 2017

Hillsdon has called this series of paintings Endymion, being broadly inspired by the Creek myth and the John Keats poem of the same name. Endymion, the first human to ever fall in love, fell for the moon who in time, fell for him. The story is one of distance yet complete intimacy.

Being a lover of Keat's poetry and a dedicated moon watcher herself, she took this theme as a driving force for exploring in paint the physical sense of light and darkness and our human connections to these contrasting worlds. It gave Hillsdon the opportunity to engage in a more intimate dialogue with the work.