ACO Virtual
31 aug. — 13 oct. 2018
ACO Virtual
31 aug. — 13 oct. 2018

Image credit:
Installation view, image courtesy of Jack Saltmiras
Image credit:
Installation view, image courtesy of Jack Saltmiras
ACO Virtual
31 aug. — 13 oct. 2018
ACO Virtual is a world-first interactive installation that places visitors in the middle of a virtual orchestra to experience, conduct, isolate and play along.
ACO Virtual will transform the Gallery and features large scale footage of orchestral performances with the sound of each musician coming from their own individual projection. Audiences will be surrounded with a touch-screen ‘music stand’ allowing them to spotlight sounds and visuals, highlighting musicians, or a section of players. The score streams below each projection, and a smartphone application provides information about the music, musicians and instruments. With music by Grieg, Bach, Smalley and Piazzolla, visitors will experience music from across the ages with one of the world’s greatest chamber orchestras.

Image credit:
Installation view, image courtesy of Jack Saltmiras
ACO Virtual
31 aug. — 13 oct. 2018
ACO Virtual is a world-first interactive installation that places visitors in the middle of a virtual orchestra to experience, conduct, isolate and play along.
ACO Virtual will transform the Gallery and features large scale footage of orchestral performances with the sound of each musician coming from their own individual projection. Audiences will be surrounded with a touch-screen ‘music stand’ allowing them to spotlight sounds and visuals, highlighting musicians, or a section of players. The score streams below each projection, and a smartphone application provides information about the music, musicians and instruments. With music by Grieg, Bach, Smalley and Piazzolla, visitors will experience music from across the ages with one of the world’s greatest chamber orchestras.