Young Archie Goulburn- Opening event and announcement of winners
Public Program
Wednesday 24 January 2024
10:30AM - 12:30PM
$5.00 + booking fee per child
For children aged 5+ and their family
Join us for a Young Archie Goulburn celebration! This event will recognize all our amazing local young artists.
Finalists of the Young Archie Goulburn competition will be on display. These portraits are made by young artists living in the Goulburn region depicting people who are special to the artist - someone they know and who plays a significant role in their lives.
Young Archie Goulburn judge, Zoe Young, finalist in the Archibald Prize 2023 will officially open the exhibition and make an announcement of the winners of each of the four categories. Alongside the formalities we will be holding a free portraiture activity with some yummy food.
This opportunity for young people is facilitated by Goulburn Regional Art Gallery, in partnership with the Art Gallery of NSW. The exhibition of the finalists will be on display at our neighbouring cultural institution, Goulburn Mulwaree Library.