That's not how you make porridge! and Art Award Winners 2010
Opening Night
Saturday 10 December 2011
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Joins us for the opening of 'That's not how you make porridge!' and 'Art Award Winners 2010'.
'That’s not how you make porriidge!' is an exhibition dedicated to exploring the use of materials as diverse as fabric, wire, salt, glass, electrical cord, plastic, soap and bird eggs. Through material, structure and surface intervention, the objects in this exhibition attempt to re-define what they are made from, presenting a new interface in a world that is full of sleek, factory-made objects. This exhibition brings together a group of artists from of artists from the Goulburn region, further afield in New South Wales and interstate.
'Art Award Winners 2010' exhibition showcases new works from the winners of the Art Award 2010 - Chris Moore, Fran Ifould and Alison Davies.
Exhibitions continue until Saturday 14 January.
Image: Denise Pepper, Flummeries 2010-11, Pâté de verre cast glass and found objects, 6 pieces, 15-20cm variable