In conversation: Dr Oliver Watts and Arlo Mountford


In conversation: Dr Oliver Watts and Arlo Mountford


Friday 1 June 2018

1:00PM - 2:00PM

'What creates the sense of community, and the actual sense of meaning making and togetherness, is the shared response to beauty and wonder we experience in front of the work. In Mountford's works we are asked to rearrange and re-sort the real in an aesthetic mode that is a little absurd and unhinged'

Dr Oliver Watts on Arlo Mountford, 'A Beautiful Negotiation' , 2018.

Mountford's exhibition traces fourteen years of his practice and brings hundreds of references to the art historical canon in to the Gallery, traversing ideas, pop culture, iconic works and museums. Whilst his work is fun and irreverent, it beautifully probes in to our contemporary anxieties and understandings of time and humanity. Dr Oliver Watts penned the catalogue essay for the exhibition, an exquisite and effervescent piece that we need to hear more on.

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