Goulburn Bustle and Annika Romeyn
Opening Night
Friday 15 February 2019
6:00PM - 8:00PM
Join us for the opening of two exhibitions, to be launched by the Hon. Don Harwin MLC, Minister for Resources, Energy and Utilities and the Arts. As always we'll be serving light refreshments and local wines.
‘Goulburn Bustle’ presents the breadth of the Gallery’s permanent collection, unleashed en masse for the first time in its 37 year history. ‘Goulburn Bustle’ presents over one hundred works from the collection and has been curated by previous directors Jennifer Lamb and Jane Cush, and current director Gina Mobayed.
In Snapshot, Canberra based artist Annika Romeyn’s multi-disciplinary work is inspired by being in the landscape and the experience of wonder and mutability that comes with a close and patient observation of nature.
Exhibitions continue until 4pm Saturday 16 March.