Fair Trade - TAFE Teachers Exhibition


Fair Trade - TAFE Teachers Exhibition

Opening Night

Thursday 4 April 2013

6:00PM - 8:00PM


Joing us for the opening of 'Fair Trade- TAFE Teacher's Exhibition'.

Gallery curated exhibition of works by TAFE Arts & Media staff based on printmaking collaborations between the extraordinary talents of regional painting, ceramic, sculpture and printmaking teachers.

Tony Ameneiro
Simon Bowley
Marianne Courtenay
Cecile Galiazzo
Bev Hogg
Kathryn Orton
Kim Shannon
Britta Stenmanns
Andrew Townsend

Image: Cecile Galiazzo & Andrew Townsend, A Fulcrum (detail), 2013, left panel,Diptych, collage of printmedia on masonite,panels 203 x 125.5 cm, each panel

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