Art Teenies


Art Teenies



10:00AM - 10:45AM


Art Teenies is back!

Tuesdays 9, 16, 23, 30 Nov and 7 Dec

Join us for five free sessions of art with your teenie one. Art Teenies is a Gallery based creative session with Education Officer Sally O’Neill. Sally will take you on a journey around exhibitions 'Goulburn Bustle 2021', Genevieve Swift in Gallery 2 and The Window curated by James McKay. Every week we focus on new themes, read a book and work on a creative activity. 

Designed for participants 5 years and under, and their carers. 
Siblings are welcome.

Please note, there have been some changes made to this program:

  • Masks must be worn by all visitors over the age of 12 (until 1 Dec).
  • Bookings are essential for all adults and children that will be in attendance.
  • Places are limited and social distancing measures will be in place.
  • You will be required to check in at the Gallery office using the Service NSW QR code.
  • Children will be issued with a set of art making materials which will be cleaned before and after use.
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